We, the people! All hands on deck.
Can we improve our life by making a better world?
If you are a New York City Voter, get involved in County Committee and watch the County Documentary at https://repmyblock.org/documentary/.
If you are outside New York City, share this message with any friend who knows someone in New York City so they can make our world better by making their neighborhood better.
This short 6 minutes video explains the registration process from the beginning to the end.
We want to better each neighborhood in the world one by one!
I know it’s doable because my awakening happened on August 11, 2015, when the American Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the French François Molins, the British Adrian Leppard, and the Spaniard Javier Zaragoza wrote an OpEd in the New York Times titled: “When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice”[*].
I know it’s doable because my personal awakening happened on August 11, 2015, when the American Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the French François Molins, the British Adrian Leppard, and the Spaniard Javier Zaragoza wrote an OpEd in the New York Times titled: “When Phone Encryption Blocks Justice”[*].
Why was I able to get Axele LeMaire to denounce the OpEd in France, and seven years later, the fight continues in the United States? (Axele was an under-secretary to French President Hollande working for Emanuel Macron, and Cyrus Vance Jr. was the New York County District Attorney. Both had the hears of their respective presidents and governors.)
My interaction with Socialist Axele Le Maire and Democrat Cyrus Vance Jr. was the same. I had to go through my local political club to get five seconds with them. (They were very busy people.)
I had my 5-second interaction with both of them in September 2015. Three months later, in France, Axelle denounced the OpEd, and in New York, Cyrus Vance Jr. doubled down on the OpEd. Why armed with the same information, both do the opposite?
A computer is a computer; in China, Japan, North Korea, Latin America, Europe, and the United States, humans behave the same in front of a computer. What is our political discourse that created those differences?
For the past seven years, I have experienced the best and the worse of Humanity. I witnessed human hypocrisy in France and the United States.
But now, it’s time for you to make this world a better one. You have until March 31st, 2023, to make it happen. The next opportunity will be in March 2025.
All you need to do is share the link https://repmyblock.org/documentary/ with all your friends that live in New York City[**]. How hard is that? If you do, you will have contributed to saving the world.
What will you be asking a friend in New York City?
To register on the RepMyBlock website, verify that they are properly registered to vote and if they are to collect ten signatures on a petition and elect the chair of the Republican or Democratic party. That’s it!
Share this post with anyone you know that could have a friend in New York City.
I concluded this project, and it’s up to the people to decide what to do with it. I went through the process myself, so I am not asking anyone to do something I have not done myself.
That would be hypocritical!
Theo Chino,
Computer Engineer and Activist.
* NY Times Article: https://archive.ph/QgqDJ (Archive without paywall) — https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/12/opinion/apple-google-when-phone-encryption-blocks-justice.html.
** County: a documentary https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20049084/ which tag is The biggest secret in politics is the smallest office you could run for and you can watch for free at https://repmyblock.org/documentary/.