Recruitment email I sent every NYC District Leader

Dear Democratic Party District Leader,
Elections are when I reintroduce myself to the Democratic Party district leaders across New York City to make the same invitation every year and join us at one of our Socialist Meetups.
The next one is Monday, June 19, 2023, at 7:00 pm at the El Conde Nuevo Bar and Restaurant at the corner of 175th and Broadway (One block away from the 175th subway stop.)
We Socialists are everywhere worldwide, and here is the meeting between Socialist International President and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and our Democratic President Joe Biden.

When I talk to many of you, you think that Socialism is a bad word or some boogieman. It’s not, and my role is to explain that history that started in 1886 at the Haymarket in Chicago when workers demanded an 8 hours workday.
What saddens me is that because you believe in Free Education, Universal Health Care, Anti-Death Penalty, Pro-Abortion rights, some Universal Basic Income, the Right to Unionize, the sanctity of the Separation of Church and State, and the belief that the Government should make life bearable for all and ensure citizens’ Liberties and yet reject the term socialist.
It’s wild that I represent the United States people at International Political meetings because I believe in Socialism. I am outrageous and defiant to show the Socialist world that in the United States, there are Socialists and to show my American fellow that there is nothing wrong with being a Socialist.

The American people have been so brainwashed by the word Socialism that there is nothing else to do to find candidates to run for District Leaders and County Committee under the leadership of Paperboy Love Prince, Mike Hano, and a few other Socialists.
My question to you, District Leader, is whether you want to be part of our team. Like George Bush said, “If you are not with us, you are against us.” But if you are against us, you better know your history, and it starts with the causes of the American and French Revolutions.
We built Rep My Block, and right now, on CUNY TV, you can see the documentary called County.

If you don’t make an effort in the next 24 months to talk to us, we will challenge everyone to push the topics of Free Education, Universal Health Care, Anti-Death Penalty, Pro-Abortion rights, some Universal Basic Income, the Right to Unionize, the sanctity of the Separation of Church and State, and the belief that the Government should make life bearable for all and ensure citizens’ Liberties.
Please join us at New Conde Restaurant Monday at 7 pm.
In solidarity,
Hasta la victoria, ¡siempre!
Theo Chino,
Member of the New York County Democratic Party Committee for the 46th ED of the 71st AD.
We are Socialists; therefore, we believe in Free Education, Universal Health Care, Anti-Death Penalty, Pro-Abortion, Universal Basic Income, the Right to Unionize, the sanctity of the Separation of Church and State, and the belief that the Government should make life bearable for all and ensure citizens’ Liberties.