Social Democrats

We are Socialists; therefore, we believe in Free Education, Universal Health Care, Anti-Death…

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My draft SDA January newsletter

Theo Chino
Social Democrats
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2025

Dear Comrades,

This newsletter is not about Donald Trump — it is about Socialism. If you’re looking for news about him, you’re in the wrong place.

Our focus here is entirely on Socialism and how to respond to those who claim we are not Democrats.

It is frustrating to hear this, but the truth is, we have been part of the Democratic Party for a long time — going back to when Martin Luther King Jr. made a deal with John F. Kennedy for the Black vote.

The bylaws of most state Democratic parties are similar, but I reference those of my own state, the New York State Democratic Party.


The purpose of these rules is to inspire and encourage the greatest number of Democrats to participate in the affairs of the Democratic Party of the State of New York, to insure the continuing success of the Democratic Party, and to provide the best possible responsible government for the people of the State of New York.

Section 1: Party Membership

(a) The membership of the Democratic Party of the State of New York shall consist of the duly enrolled Democrats within the State.

(b) No test for membership in, nor any oath of loyalty to, the Democratic Party of New York shall be required or used that has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, disability, or economic status.

Section 2: Public Notice and Meetings

(a) All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party of New York are open to all members of the Democratic Party of New York regardless of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, disability, economic status or philosophical persuasion.

In New York City, on Manhattan’s East Side, within a small club committee dedicated to reforming the Democratic Party, I am fighting for the inclusion of all perspectives in official caucuses.

My message to my fellow Democrats is clear: being a Socialist is fully legitimate within the Democratic Party.

Socialists are Democrats — don’t let anyone say otherwise.

For a concise explanation of Social Democracy, I recommend the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s quick explainer.

What is Socialism?

Ironically, those who are not Socialists often seem to have the most confident answers — based on their own interpretations.

As card-carrying Socialists, we certainly love our debates. We hold such strong convictions about what we believe that it might seem as if each of us individually defines Socialism. But that’s not how it works.

The reality is that Socialism is frequently misrepresented, with outsiders using selective quotes from our members to define it incorrectly.

To be clear, Socialism is officially defined in the Declaration of Principles of the Socialist International:

By extension, it is also reflected in the guiding principles of the Progressive Alliance:

Ultimately, Socialism is determined by us, the Socialists — through collective decision-making at our Socialist Congresses.

Are any organization in the US Socialists because the name of their organization carry the name?

No, an organization is not Socialist simply because it includes Socialist in its name. Many American groups label themselves as Socialist, yet they do not adhere to the core principles of Socialism.

True Socialism is defined by its principles and collective decisions, not just by a name.

Are AOC, Bernie and the DSA elected Socialists?

No, they are sympathizers of the Socialist movement, but they are not Socialists.

A truly elected Socialist is more than just a candidate running on progressive rhetoric — they actively contribute to the intellectual development of the movement. This means using their firsthand experience in office to shape policies, provide ideological guidance, and strengthen Socialist organizations.

AOC, Bernie, and DSA-backed elected officials do not engage in this process. Instead, their focus remains on navigating the electoral system, often prioritizing fundraising and individual campaigns over building Socialist structures.

While they genuinely believe they are practicing Socialism, every Socialist within Socialist International and the Progressive Alliance understands that they are not.

We recognize them as Left Populists — a role that remains important. Within a true Socialist organization, such as the Social Democrats of America (SDA), they could serve a significant function in mobilizing public support and advancing progressive causes.

The New York City Municipal Election

The New York City municipal election, calling 3.5 million Democratic voters, has officially begun.

As of today, only six Social Democrats of America (SDA) candidates are authorized to use the Rose in the Fist logo while running for office in New York City.

The New York City Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have taken a strategic step by adopting their own distinct logo, separate from the national DSA.

This ensures visual clarity in the municipal campaign, preventing any confusion between New York City SDA candidate Paperboy Love Prince and New York City DSA candidate Zohran Mamdani.

Our campaign is truly people-powered, rejecting the influence of big money in politics.

Paperboy Love Prince has been vocal about why we don’t need corporate funding — we’ve built all the necessary tools that money can buy, and the city itself ensures every voter receives a Voter Guide listing all candidates, as mandated by the City Charter.

Paperboy is a performance artist, and since New York City’s political operatives dismiss us as “clowns,” we fully embrace our identity — using creativity, authenticity, and direct engagement to connect with voters.

If you’d like to join Paperboy Love Prince’s campaign for Mayor of New York City, email:

If you’d like to join my own campaign for Public Advocate, email:

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend watching this 26-minute documentary on PBS.

In solidarity,

Hasta la victoria, ¡siempre!


Social Democrats
Social Democrats

Published in Social Democrats

We are Socialists; therefore, we believe in Free Education, Universal Health Care, Anti-Death Penalty, Pro-Abortion, Universal Basic Income, the Right to Unionize, the sanctity of the Separation of Church and State, and the belief that …

Theo Chino
Theo Chino

Written by Theo Chino

Bitcoiner, Activist - Doesn’t matter if your are from the Right or the Left; running does.

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